The history of Tenwek Hospital dates back to 1937 when WGM sent Trudy Shyrock to serve as the first trained nurse. Later on in 1959, Dr. Ernie Steury and his wife arrived to serve as the first missionary doctor and to assist Trudy with the medical functions. The adventures of Dr. Steury, popularly known as ‘Mosonik’, have been documented in a beautiful book titled the Miracle at Tenwek. The book documents in detail how God used men like you and me to serve the sick and how Dr. Steury set the foundation blocks for what would grow to become a thought leader in the Kenyan medical sector.
The hospital’s history would be non-existent without World Gospel Mission, the Africa Gospel Church and the Tenwek community. The three have been a support pillar for the hospital and have stood with it through the good and the bad.